Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Tore Ostby
Overdriven Guitar

Tore Ostby
Overdriven Guitar

Randy Coven
Acoustic Bass

Randy Coven
Acoustic Bass

John MacAluso

Jorn Lande
E-nig-mas of mind s-pace and ti-me the un-ex-plain-ed pro-tec-ted fi-les por-traits from the o-ther side fly-ing sor-cer shoot-ing high tours through the so-lar sys-tem a+pro-duct of i-ma-gi-na-tion yeah clo-ser than you re-a-lize a+sci-ence fic-tion re-a-li-ty Try-ing to burn the sun flames getting high-er play-ing with fi-i-re high-er and we can't run there's+too ma-ny po-wer games Pa-ra-nor-mal star-birth child fast as light-ning beams the sky a+mil-lion miles pass-ing by as-ter-oid storms in the line of fire A+ride through the so-lar sys-tem a+pro-duct of i-ma-gi-na-tion yeah clo-ser than you re-a-lize a+sci-ence fic-tion re-a-li-ty Try-ing to burn the sun flames getting high-er play-ing with fi-i-re high-er and we can't run there's+too ma-ny po-wer games Try-ing to burn the sun flames getting high-er play-ing with fi-i-re high-er and we can't run there's+too ma-ny po-wer games